Energy Healing Testimonials
Cezannese + Reiki Healing
I have been diagnosed with slipped disc at lumbar 4 and 5 of my spine. Because of this condition, I often develop numbness and pain on both my legs.
While I was on a walking tour in the city of Spain two days ago, I suddenly pulled a cramp. Then both my legs went soft because of the numbness and the pain. I was wobbling along behind the others. I almost collapsed as I could not walk any longer. Luckily, two of my tour mates were walking behind me. They both supported me with my arms on each of their shoulders. They shoulder-carried me and practically lifted and dragged me along for about two hundred meters.
We were able to catch up with the others later. When we reached the hotel that night, I was still having the numbness and pain. Then one of our tour members recommended me to try on energy healing. She knows a healer who is practising distant healing from Melbourne. I had no choice but to have a go at it as I still had the numbness and pain. Through my tour mate, I contacted this distant healer by WhatsApp. I immediately arranged for a healing session on a fixed time in Spain.
After the healing session (I was told the healer chose to use Reiki and Cezannese), the numbness and pain of my legs were greatly relieved. I felt much better. I was filled with awe as this healing works. Imagine that I was in Zaragoza (Spain) and the healer is in Melbourne, more than 17,000 kilometers away from each other. That was really fantastic. I couldn't believe it! To be truthful, I was quite skeptical at first. But because of the severe pain I experienced, I had to give myself a try.
Thank you Adelyn. You really did a great job on me. Because of you, I was able to enjoy the rest of my trip to Spain and Portugal. You not only helped me, but also relieved the inconvenience caused to the rest of the tour members. We were able to continue to our next destination on schedule.
Once again, Thanks Adelyn. I shall arrange more distant healing sessions from you when I am back home in Malaysia.
S. FrancisÂ
Zaragoza, Spain
12 October, 2018.
Reiki Healing
I am a 74-year old retired Nurse. I have had my right knee pain on and off since 2018. I went to the Orthopaedic Clinic for investigations and treatment. I was told that my right knee is in good shape. There was only a minor degree of osteoarthritis due to aging problem. The pain went off after a few sessions of physiotherapy.
Recently, the pain came back again and affects my walking. Occasionally, my knee will go soft and I tend to fall. The feeling is as if my knee has given way and could not support my weight.
One day I was introduced to Adelyn through an old friend of mine. Adelyn offered to perform Reiki healing on me. I was quite skeptical of this treatment as I have not been exposed to this kind of healing before.
When Adelyn administered Reiki healing on me, for the first time, I could not feel anything at all. However, during the second healing, I felt some twitching and some wavy movements inside my legs. After the healing session, I felt much better as the pain was less. Now I can walk more upright.
TSH - May 2020
Saraswati Temple Healing
I am 77, and have had my pelvic pain for the last 2 ½ years. This backache spreads to both my lower limbs. They are numb and painful from my knees to the calves (more so on my right calf) down to my soles. I had difficulties in walking, driving and balancing my body. I tried physiotherapy and acupuncture for some time. Neither treatment works.
Then I chanced to be introduced by a friend to a Ms Adelyn Siaw who is on a holiday from Australia. She is a healer who practises Saraswati Temple Healing. Believe it or not, I gave myself a try.
An arrangement was made to have the healing in my house one night. I closed my eyes in concentration and breathe normally to start the healing. While listening to her chanting and the sounds of chanting over the player, I could feel myself sitting upright on a big lotus flower floating over the water of a lake. As the chanting went on, I was elevated to a state of tranquility, peace of mind and happiness. There was a trickling sensation in my right calf and my soles were pricking. I had this feeling until the end of the 20-minute session.
After the session, the pain and numbness of my limbs was reduced. I was very satisfied with her healing and it did work something for me. I then had two more follow-up healing sessions with her. I could walk better. My limbs are less painful now. As she had to return to Australia after that, I am looking forward to have more healing consultations with her whenever she is on another holiday here.